Bringing you answers to sartorial conundrums. Musing on matters of style that distinguish the discerning dresser. And spinning the odd yarn (pardon the pun!) – to make you smile.
We’re the clothing brand for people like you – who are both exacting and savvy. People who want high quality, limited edition clothes with made-to-measure features – and value being able to acquire these at high street prices.
Once upon a time, back in the day when we were exclusively a made-to-measure tailoring business, you would have had to come to see us to order your suits, coats, shirts, ties and the like.
We’d have chatted together as we took measurements and you chose materials…
You’d have talked to us about what you liked and the looks you’d like to achieve for the various aspects of your life. And we’d have made suggestions, proffered advice and answered any questions you had on what to wear when and how.
Nowadays you can order ready-to-wear suits, coats, shirts and much more from us online or over the phone. But we’re still a small, family business designing and tailoring limited edition garments that automatically distinguish you from your peers.
We offer our impeccably tailored ready-to-wear garments at prices to make our competitors (who don’t have our made-to-measure heritage) weep…
And loyal customers are our lifeblood. We’d love to strike up conversations with you!
So that’s what Threads is all about. Having a good old chat with you about everything clothes- and style-related. We hope you’ll find it engaging, interesting – and useful. And that you’ll feel inspired to use the comments box below to talk to us. Watch this Thread!